Saturday, 5 January 2013

Self care mode activated~

Ok,hi there~

The exam is over.Long time ago..I mean,5 days ago.But it feels like forever.You know,when you have got nothing to do, a day feels like a week. Boring and dull..

These few days post exam, I spent my whole time with the girls.Laughing, watching movies, binging and so on.It's fun.And last night, we were having our sleep over. Us seven, cooking, eating, watch horror and thriller shows. What a day.. :)

And yes, this unproductive life really makes my brain slower. Inactive and dull. Except the joy of laughing out loud with the besties, everything seems slower. I need to pumped up my metabolism. I gained weight, my skin seems dull and unhealthy, my body become weaker, and my room is a mess. :(

So starting today, I need to start taking care of myself. Again. I've decided to just be the turtle under his shell. Not going anywhere, unless I am able to take a good care of myself. Pampering this body, skin, mind. I need a time for myself. Meditating, be more positive. Unplugging myself from others. Kept myself away from negativity. Only then, I'll go out, socializing again, attending the hospitals and so on. Before that, I need sometime alone..

We use alone time to process our relationships and recalibrate our sense of self. Solitude confirms that we’re more than the sum of our reactions to other people and encounters. In solitude, we return to center.
Wish me luck with my 'forever alone' mode.. ;)

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