Life always synonym with the word: COMPLICATED~
I'm 23, and there's too much to think about. It's not about tomorrow, nor next week. It's about what kind of 'me' would it be, in the next 5 years, and 10 years.. Right now, one thing for sure is that I'll be a doctor. And of course it wasn't as easy as others interpreted. Graduation is a big deal. Going through 6 years is a big deal. But what's the 'real big deal' is the becoming things we will be facing afterwards.
HO, and then MO. And God knows how HO being highlighted nowadays. Their poor of skills, knowledges. It is bothersome somehow. But the only thing came crossing my mind right now, for sure, we'll get there by time. Scared from being called as 'incompetent'? It won't help at all.
Life always like that. There's nothing we'll get by free. No one in this whole world ever be success smoothly as they planned. There'll always be a bitter things to come. It is all depend on us. It is a matter of going through it.
It is a tall thick wall in front of us. And no one knows what's behind that wall, but that's the only way we had. Turning back around is not an option. Depend on us to figure out how to pass through it. WISE + BRAVE + DETERMINED. And once you've passed the wall, for sure there'll be another wall waiting miles ahead. Taller or shorter, or maybe sharper at the edge. We must make sure to pass through it, smoothly, without destroying ourself. That is why it is so important for us to learn on how to control our own emotion, our weakness. It isn't all about physical strength. Emotional strength nowadays already being the first key for a better and worth life.
Make a shell. Be immune from any types of attacks. Verbal, physical, emotional. It's our life. Be braver. Stop whining around saying it is hard, it is not worthwhile. Our life depends on only one party, which is ourself.
I can feel the heat. But I used it as my energy booster to work harder and better. Every negative charges thrown over me, I'll turn it all into positive one. Building a strong positive will. The only one who can control ourself, is our own mind.
*end of self motivation mode. Tomorrow: 3rd paper of IM. Wish me luck~
"for sure, we'll get there by time"
Relieving enough okay...^_^
Sometimes I manage not to THINK ABOUT IT AT ALL for time will decide; sooner or later.
No worries friend, we've done it 4 times before, why not for this time?
Wish you all the best, in this world and especially in Hereafter. Thanks for everything before padaiyappa! (sentimental mood)
Nafsah Dulajis: yes,by time.yippee!this is our 5th time already.and I'm sure all of us will get through it just like before!go chaq!
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