Friday, 18 May 2012


It's been 4 days already. And my neck still hurt like hell. Seriously.

Diagnosed as severe muscle spasm, I don't even know how did it occur in the first place. I was lying down, ready to take a nap, suddenly my neck twisted at one point, producing a loud click sound. I ended up lying down passively, can't move at all. Luckily my house-mate were alert enough. They bring me to the nearby hospital, did an X-Ray, and diagnosed as severe muscle spasm by this kind neurologist.

My 3 days neck collar
Already missed two days classes. And I feel terrible for that. Seeing my friends coming back from classes, I can see the difference between them and me. I felt completely bored at home. I can't even move freely. The analgesics made me sleepy all day long. And I hate intramuscular injection! It hurts!
3 days IM injection

Huhu... Tomorrow insyaAllah I'll try to attend classes. Since I need to manage my letter of getting permission to go home next week, I must come no matter how hurt my neck is. May everything goes smoothly. Amin.

Tidaklah seorang muslim tertimpa suatu penyakit dan sejenisnya, melainkan Allah akan mengugurkan bersamanya dosa-dosanya seperti pohon yang mengugurkan daun-daunnya”.(HR. Bukhari no. 5660 dan Muslim no. 2571).

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