Sunday 12 August 2012

I heart bone~

I say yes to orthopaedic! I lurrrve ortho.

I know it might sound annoying to some people, since so far that I know, a lot of my friends were not so in love with this hardcore subject. Well, can't argue to that. Since I used to be one of them.

Yes, I used to say 'uff' to ortho. But not because of the subject, but the lecture's environment, it's so dark and quiet, and I tend to sit at the most behind, and ended up watching the doctor talking personally with some people in front. It's kind of depressing situation where you can only watch and listen, without understanding anything. Wasting of time and energy. That's what I felt. Extreme, isn't it? :)

But since now I'm already in the 'Special Surgery' team, ortho does captured my heart. Thanks to our first day doctor, Prof. Dr. Khaled, the so 'grandfather' like guru, teaching us with patience and smile. Obviously we didn't read before attending the round, but he always brings up some of his amazing story about his experience as an ortho surgeon to make us less confused and stop us from creating our own headache of laziness. It's amazing, and I sometime can lose far far away imagining how exciting his experiences are. He is smart and hardcore. A total hardcore. I love him!

Actually, this 16th of August will be our last day of ortho round, and for sure, I'll miss ortho. The doctors, the air-cond, and the fractured bone pictures. We'll have our end round exam this week, just before holiday of Raya Aidilfitri. X-ray it is, spot diagnosis. Wish us all best of luck! InsyaAllah... :)

"The only source of knowledge is experience"--- Albert Einstein

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