Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Cruel judges~

It's a top secret. What secret? It's a story about a pregnant woman who's getting married soon. Soon? You mean she's preggy before nikah? Wow.. What kind of girl is that? Tudung labuh, tengok lelaki pun tidak..ended up? Pregnant!

Labelled? HYPOCRITE!

Have you ever heard about this kind of funny story? About these kind of people who blindly judging others as they wish. Tired of them right? If it was me, they would have taste the sweetness of my free sized palm. On their pretty cheek. Yes. They deserved it. The same way they think they deserve to judge and punish others.

Words hurt. We all knew it. The worse the action. You talk behind them, you exposed their aib. You acknowledge the crowd to isolate them. Hmm... How killing someone slowly really work well with these technique.

It's worse when the person is someone who had great past history in our eyes. She's nice, super nice. She's alim, she's tawaduk and so on. And one small mistakes she did, poof! All the good things disappear. Just like that. Huh... Cruelty is everywhere. 

Can we just stop it? Who are you to judge people? Stop punishing others! You are not Allah. We are not God. It's Allah's job. Only He Knew what's really going on. It's their time of trial, so give them a chance to learn from it. Focus on yourself. All of us have our own trial, easy or hard way. Focus! And stop putting your nose into other's business. 

All we can really do is watch and learn. Avoid the same mistakes they have done. Talking behind them doesn't helping at all. Respect others. We are all standing on the same level. If you really love to say something about it, say it to them. Talk to them. Give them advice, directly. In a smooth way. Cara berhikmah. That's what we can do. Judging? Punishing? It's Allah's job. Not us. So stop acting like one.

 ‎"Sesungguhnya apabila aku menasihati kamu, bukanlah bererti akulah yang terbaik dalam kalangan kamu, bukan juga yang paling soleh atau solehah dalam kalangan kamu, kerana aku juga pernah melampaui batas untuk diri sendiri.Seandainya seseorang itu hanya dapat menyampaikan dakwah apabila dia sempurna, nescaya tidak akan ada pendakwah, maka akan jadi sedikitlah orang yang memberi peringatan."      -Imam Hassan Al Basri-

Sunday, 12 August 2012

I heart bone~

I say yes to orthopaedic! I lurrrve ortho.

I know it might sound annoying to some people, since so far that I know, a lot of my friends were not so in love with this hardcore subject. Well, can't argue to that. Since I used to be one of them.

Yes, I used to say 'uff' to ortho. But not because of the subject, but the lecture's environment, it's so dark and quiet, and I tend to sit at the most behind, and ended up watching the doctor talking personally with some people in front. It's kind of depressing situation where you can only watch and listen, without understanding anything. Wasting of time and energy. That's what I felt. Extreme, isn't it? :)

But since now I'm already in the 'Special Surgery' team, ortho does captured my heart. Thanks to our first day doctor, Prof. Dr. Khaled, the so 'grandfather' like guru, teaching us with patience and smile. Obviously we didn't read before attending the round, but he always brings up some of his amazing story about his experience as an ortho surgeon to make us less confused and stop us from creating our own headache of laziness. It's amazing, and I sometime can lose far far away imagining how exciting his experiences are. He is smart and hardcore. A total hardcore. I love him!

Actually, this 16th of August will be our last day of ortho round, and for sure, I'll miss ortho. The doctors, the air-cond, and the fractured bone pictures. We'll have our end round exam this week, just before holiday of Raya Aidilfitri. X-ray it is, spot diagnosis. Wish us all best of luck! InsyaAllah... :)

"The only source of knowledge is experience"--- Albert Einstein

Saturday, 4 August 2012

What makes me happy~

Deena said, “Make a list of three things that makes you happy. “

Why? My main problem is, I usually don’t know what’s the reason behind my smile, or my tears.

Sometimes I tend to laugh out loud at everything, even when my doctors said directly to my face, you don’t study hard enough, I tend to just smile and take it easy bitsy.

Another time, tears of unknown etiology burst out of my eyes. Neither because of chemical trauma like cutting onions, nor emotional trauma like grieving for something loses.

It’s just of unknown etiology. Which lead me to this whole confusion. Why am I being depressed, sad, and down all of sudden? And Deena will be my only choice to talk and cry on the phone. She will be confused as well when she figured out that I don’t have any specific reason to cry. “You must at least know what’s going on in your mind, in order to stop your worries.” (As usual, my rock n roll babe words of wisdom always worked! J )

That’s so right. Knowing what’s in your mind. Knowing everything inside there, will lead you to gain the happiness you’ve ever wanted, and avoid unnecessary sadness that will ruin your whole beautiful day.
So now, I wanted to let you all know, what’s the three reasons that make me being one of those cool, fun, and cheerful girl. That nothing can take my way, even the harshest and most violent words or acts thrown on my face.

1)  Good foods:
Remember my last post about how I really fall in love with variety of foods? Now I know how foods really spiked up my endorphin level. Eating good foods does make my day, even during the worst situation ever. It doesn’t have to be a big feast. It can be done even with just a bar of chocolate, and a glass hot mocha. Or a slice of moist chocolate cake, and fruit salads with hazelnut milkshake. As long as it tastes good, it can make me smile full with satisfaction. Also, cooking and baking can be therapeutic indication for me when I’m tired of reading those meds books. Seeing friends or family enjoying the cake or desert I’m making can take even more pleasure for me.

2)  Travelling:
I love new places, new people, and new environment. Especially those cold winter time, it’s my favorite season of all. Travelling even just for a few kilometers from my home already can make me feel the greatest pleasure out of it. Seeing different new things does educate me a lot. It open my mind about other’s culture, teach me to be more grateful, and appreciation of Allah’s amazing creations. Also, travelling with family does strengthen the bond with each other. We laugh and play like a child together, taking crazy pictures. It’s just fun and worth to remember. One day when I get married, I wanted to take my husband and children to travel to a lot of places whenever us got a chance to do so.

3)  Family:
I’m not yet married, but I do have some ideas about the perfection of imperfect relationship. We often heard in the house, full of frustrations, anger, and sadness. But at the same time, we’ll never forget the moment of laughter shared together in the house. There are no perfect relationships, but it’ll be perfectly awesome when we do our best to keep each other happy. Tolerance + respect. By Allah’s bless, insyaAllah it’ll be perfectly perfect. This is what I learned from my mom and dad. And how I and my bros and sis become much more closer as we grown up.  

So, now that I know what’s really make me happy. And a happy thoughts always ended with a happy ending in everything… Next time, what if we think about what makes us unhappy? It might help us to overcome each somnolence day by knowing the reason.. J

“You’re today where your thoughts have brought you, you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.”--- James Allen

Friday, 3 August 2012

Last round~

Another new round in the corner. It's special surgery. If General Surgery used to be my so called 'honeymoon' period, now, special surgery, as special as it's name, is the one I would like to call,
'urgency' period. :)

Here comes the non stop exam round. Here in special surgery, we have 6 subtopics in total. Beginning with Orthopaedic, followed by Urology, Radiology, Anaesthetic, Cardiothoracic, and lastly, Neurosurgery. Too much right? The truth is, it's not that much actually. Each subject consists of brief knowledge only, for our level as undergraduates. But since it's just brief and in a short period of time, everything had to be packed up. Basic knowledge is a must. Attending classes without it, is like watching someone talking in a different languages.
So, read first before each classes. No specific book? Search more on-line article about the surgery, videos. We might not get it as a whole, but catching some terms and ideas does helpful for a better understanding in the round. As all the doctor assumed we already finished the lectures of special surgery, so teaching clinical directly in round is their preferences.

So, what do you waiting for? Pumped up your adrenaline gush! It's time for a new challenge! And insyaAllah will be the last one, before the final year exam. How fast time fly.

Read! Explore! Get yourself activated! Be excited and curious! Feed your brain with this new delicious knowledges! :)

"Cintai ILMU kerana sesungguhnya dari ilmu lahirlah kefahaman. Maka bila kefahaman telah terbentuk manusia tidak akan lari daripada perjuangan."

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