What I do really feel right now? I missed handballers!! All of them! Like, seriously! I love them! The team spirit!! OMG! All the tiresome training. It's all forgotten. I really enjoyed today's game! Seriously!
For the first time, I joined two team simultaneously. It was fun. At first, I thought it might kill me from exhaustion. But really! It didn't! Maybe my stamina does improved a little bit from my weight loss. But I really enjoyed this game! No pressure, no tension. Everything seems fun and enjoyable. I run back and forth, being a defender, and at the same time, helping the striker. The rush of adrenaline totally fun and great!
One thing for sure, this program do successfully achieved one of their objectives. Which is, strengthen our UKHWAH.
I already missed my fellow handballers, both team. Training together everyday, with those tired body from classes, but still, we got to laugh and joking about a lot of things. We do have some misunderstanding. But that's what makes us tied more with each other. The support, the cheers, everything! I love them all!!! Aaahh..how I wish I can still play handball with them sometime.
For the record. This cheers were made by handball team.. ;p
"We are ZAGZIG! We are ONE! We are CHAMPION!!!"
Okay, enough TJ. Tomorrow, starting of my ordinary life as a student. It's slow, but yeah, that's why I come to Egypt. LEARN. :)